The Hiring Manager is not there to give you a job! Their task is to attract the best possible human assets to fill job requirements. So, job seekers, they don’t really care what your objective is! The questions you want to answer are:
“What do you bring to the table in terms of hard skills and what experience born of accomplishments can you offer the employer? What are the likely results of hiring you?”
Replace the Objective Statement with a Professional Summary
The Professional Summary is a one or two paragraph snapshot of your qualifications and accomplishments. Not your job history. Not your education. Emphasis on accomplishments.
Always think in terms of quantifying. Anyone can say “excelled at last job” but “successfully hit sales quotas 100% of the time and exceeded goals by 20% in the last 6 months” is much more powerful. Remember, you can even do this if your position doesn’t involve numbers.
Jiu-Jitsu and the Art of Beating ATS Hiring Systems
* Jiu-Jitsu has its roots in the Japanese system of defeating a stronger opponent by using their own strength against them.
Operators of Fourth Generation ATS systems have largely succeeded in convincing employers that job applicants can be accurately and more thoroughly evaluated by using Artificial Intelligence for deep resume and social analysis, all made possible because of the new transparency.
You may be surprised to learn that companies are building massive profiles on you and most of the world population!
In an ideal scenario, the hiring manager can tell ATS exactly the skill set he is looking for, and you will materialize for an interview after ATS has decided “You’re the one!” But what if you are one of the other 99 applicants who were discarded, and what if you actually have the better skills? The hiring manager will never know because he will never interview you, thanks to ATS.
Tips for choosing power verbs. 1. Take time to choose the one that most accurately describes what you did. 2. Use past tense verbs – even for current positions for uniformity. 3. Try not to repeat the same verbs throughout your resume.
Example: Developed and implemented a training program that resulted in a 45% increase in employee satisfaction
Careers that may closely match skill-sets within the Oil and Gas Industry
Use this interactive Solar Career Map to explore 40 Job classifications across 4 industry sectors, and identify more than 60 routes to advancement between them. Additional opportunities for progress and promotion can be found within any given occupation on the map, and multi-sector pathways reinforce the idea of lifelong learning and the natural evolution of skills and interests.
Designed to demonstrate the breadth of the industry and its critical occupations, as well as the necessity for integrated solar training in a variety of related fields, the Solar Career Map emerged from a simple vision: High-quality work and high-quality jobs are critical to building a robust, high-quality solar industry. This value proposition suggests that excellence is both possible and necessary across a broad spectrum of solar careers. The map describes how to get there.
Here are some major service companies all in one place. The links will lead you to their Wiki Home pages. Today’s market requires creativity and some deep searching if you want to uncover new employment opportunities before they are posted to the world.
Use the home pages to find out about subsidiaries they may own and
You have the power to transform your LinkedIn account from a mere “me too” entry into a powerful, proactive tool. Generate sales leads, income, and employment opportunities. This is NOT your grandpa’s social media!
Right Way to Use Title Profile as High-Value Space Structuring Your About Profile – Do’s/Don’ts Photo & Background Strategy How to sync Skills Profile with ATS using SEO How to Gain Recognition as an Expert