Pro Study Tip

You are dealing with a difficult, hard-to-understand lesson: Copy the paragraph, pages, or entire chapter into AI. Then use this prompt: “Please explain this to me like I am in 6th grade.” Another useful prompt is: “Please summarize the following and provide bullets for key points.” 🙂

The 15-second cover letter!
Need a custom cover letter for that job application, but don’t know what to write? Create a custom cover letter that highlights your resume skills for the employer’s job requirements in a flash! Free! Find it here: The 15-second cover letter!

Resume out of date? How to avoid the rejection pile!

girl fixing out of date resume
Avoiding the rejection pile…

Why you need to delete the Objective Statement:

The Hiring Manager is not there to give you a job! Their task is to attract the best possible human assets to fill job requirements. So, job seekers, they don’t really care what your objective is! The questions you want to answer are:

“What do you bring to the table in terms of hard skills and what experience born of accomplishments can you offer the employer? What are the likely results of hiring you?”

Replace the Objective Statement with a Professional Summary

The Professional Summary is a one or two paragraph snapshot of your qualifications and accomplishments. Not your job history. Not your education. Emphasis on accomplishments.

Always think in terms of quantifying. Anyone can say “excelled at last job” but “successfully hit sales quotas 100% of the time and exceeded goals by 20% in the last 6 months” is much more powerful. Remember, you can even do this if your position doesn’t involve numbers.

Continue reading “Resume out of date? How to avoid the rejection pile!”

Are you taking full advantage of LinkedIn’s Free Resume and Job Search Features?

sslduck playing ball with linkedin jobsearch

Playing Ball with LinkedIn!

Playing ball with LinkedIn’s Resume Match / Job Search Features

Five Powerful things you can do today!

You have the power to transform your LinkedIn account from a mere “me too” entry into a powerful, proactive tool. Generate sales leads, income, and employment opportunities. This is NOT your grandpa’s social media!


Right Way to Use Title Profile as High-Value Space
Structuring Your About Profile – Do’s/Don’ts
Photo & Background Strategy
How to sync Skills Profile with ATS using SEO
How to Gain Recognition as an Expert


Continue reading “Are you taking full advantage of LinkedIn’s Free Resume and Job Search Features?”

When your resume translates to “I am old, out of date – Get off the lawn!”

resume writer Pittsburgh

Avoiding Age Discrimination

Don’t submit an outdated resume!

Age discrimination is against the law and it’s nothing to worry about because it doesn’t happen… except of course in the real world.

Surefire giveaways you may be out of date:

About that resume objective you worked so hard on!

Here are some tips to help you make sure your resume is up to date and not sabotaging your quest for a new job…

Continue reading “When your resume translates to “I am old, out of date – Get off the lawn!””

Resume SEO for Oil and Gas Employment Opportunities

Here are links to employment opportunities offered by 18 major oil and gas employer’s corporate websites. These employers use ATS systems which no doubt interface with LinkedIn. When you look at the jobs available, make sure that your resume and your LinkedIn information contains keywords and statements congruent with the job being applied for. Know who the top management is, identify key employees who may be in your LinkedIn Groups and be familiar with the Mission Statement of any potential employer.

Be sure to check out my article on Resume SEO for ideas, strategies and best practices. and, you might want to bookmark this page of links!

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Cenvous Energy
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Imperial Oil
Marathon Petroleum
Obsidian Energy
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Shell Oil Company US
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