The Rise of AI Driven Warehouses in Phoenix: A Golden Opportunity for Skilled Technicians


In the heart of the Sonoran Desert, a quiet transformation is underway. Phoenix’s Loop 303 corridor, once a desolate stretch of highway, is now a bustling hub of industrial activity, witnessing a construction boom that’s reshaping the landscape of the region. Massive warehouses are springing up at an unprecedented pace, driven by a surge in e-commerce and a strategic shift in supply chain logistics. But these aren’t your grandfather’s warehouses.

The AI Revolution in Warehouses

Inside these colossal structures, a technological revolution is taking place, one that is changing the very nature of work. Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff of science fiction; it’s powering the material handling automation systems that drive the efficiency and productivity of these modern warehouses. Robots are now picking, packing, and sorting goods with superhuman speed and precision, while sophisticated algorithms optimize inventory management and streamline operations

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Pro Study Tip

You are dealing with a difficult, hard-to-understand lesson: Copy the paragraph, pages, or entire chapter into AI. Then use this prompt: “Please explain this to me like I am in 6th grade.” Another useful prompt is: “Please summarize the following and provide bullets for key points.” 🙂

The 15-second cover letter!
Need a custom cover letter for that job application, but don’t know what to write? Create a custom cover letter that highlights your resume skills for the employer’s job requirements in a flash! Free! Find it here: The 15-second cover letter!

Expert Tips For Kicking Off Your Job Search!

3 Expert Tips For Before Starting Your Job Search

Create these three lists today!

  1. A list of 50 people in your LinkedIn contacts to reach out to and inform about your career goals and job search.
  1. A list of 50 target companies to follow on LinkedIn and create alerts on their career pages. Additionally, job seekers should identify people they know in these companies to reach out to and discuss potential opportunities.
  1. A list of 10  accomplishment stories to highlight your successes. These stories can be used in resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and during job interviews.

Having these lists completed and acting on them daily will result in a living, active, and vital  plan that will build a strong network and increase your chances of landing your dream job!

7 Top HR Certifications to Boost Your Career in 2023

7 Solutions to Advance Your HR Career

Unlock Your HR Potential: The Power of Training and Certifications

As the Human Resources (HR) field continues to grow and evolve, professionals in this industry must stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. One effective way to enhance your HR knowledge and skills is through certifications. HR certifications not only demonstrate your expertise and commitment to your field, but they also open up new job opportunities and increase your earning potential. 

In this post, we will highlight 7 top HR certifications to boost your career in 2023 and beyond. From general HR certifications to more specialized ones, we will discuss the benefits of each certification and how they can help you advance in your career. Whether you are just starting out in HR or are a seasoned professional, investing in these certifications can be a great next step in taking your career forward!

1 SHRM Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) and SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP):

Offered by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), these certifications are widely recognized and respected in the industry. They cover a range of HR topics, including talent acquisition, employee engagement, and employment law.

Most valuable training and certification offered: Both certifications cover a wide range of HR topics, but the SHRM-SCP is more advanced and focuses on strategic HR management.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The SHRM-CP is ideal for early-career HR professionals or those with limited experience, while the SHRM-SCP is best suited for mid- to senior-level HR professionals.

Time required to achieve certification: The SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP require passing an exam and meeting specific education and experience requirements. The amount of time it takes to complete the certification will vary depending on an individual’s background and study habits.


2 Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR):

Offered by the HR Certification Institute (HRCI), these certifications demonstrate your knowledge and mastery of HR principles and practices. They cover topics such as business management, employee relations, and total rewards.

Most valuable training and certification offered: Both certifications are well-recognized and cover a broad range of HR topics. The SPHR is more advanced and focuses on strategic HR management.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The PHR is designed for early- to mid-career HR professionals, while the SPHR is geared towards mid- to senior-level HR professionals.

Time required to achieve certification: The PHR and SPHR require passing an exam and meeting specific education and experience requirements. The amount of time it takes to complete the certification will vary depending on an individual’s background and study habits.


3 Certified Compensation Professional (CCP):

Offered by WorldatWork, this certification focuses specifically on compensation and benefits. It covers topics such as job analysis, market pricing, and incentive plan design.

Most valuable training and certification offered: This certification is focused specifically on compensation and benefits and covers topics such as job analysis, market pricing, and incentive plan design.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The CCP is best suited for mid- to senior-level HR professionals with a focus on compensation and benefits.

Time required to achieve certification: The CCP requires passing an exam and meeting specific education and experience requirements. The amount of time it takes to complete the certification will vary depending on an individual’s background and study habits.


4 Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR):

Offered by HRCI, this certification is designed for HR professionals who work in a global or multinational environment. It covers topics such as global talent acquisition, international employment law, and cross-cultural communication.

Most valuable training and certification offered: This certification is designed for HR professionals who work in a global or multinational environment and covers topics such as global talent acquisition, international employment law, and cross-cultural communication.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The GPHR is best suited for mid- to senior-level HR professionals with a focus on global HR management.

Time required to achieve certification: The GPHR requires passing an exam and meeting specific education and experience requirements. The amount of time it takes to complete the certification will vary depending on an individual’s background and study habits.


5 Certified Professional in Learning and Performance (CPLP):

Offered by the Association for Talent Development (ATD), this certification is focused on learning and development. It covers topics such as instructional design, training delivery, and performance improvement.

Most valuable training and certification offered: This certification is focused on learning and development and covers topics such as instructional design, training delivery, and performance improvement.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The CPLP is best suited for HR professionals with a focus on learning and development, including trainers, instructional designers, and performance consultants.

Time required to achieve certification: The CPLP requires passing an exam and meeting specific education and experience requirements. The amount of time it takes to complete the certification will vary depending on an individual’s background and study habits.


6 Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS):

Offered by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP), this certification covers a range of employee benefits topics, including retirement plans, health and welfare benefits, and group benefits.

Most valuable training and certification offered: This certification covers a range of employee benefits topics, including retirement plans, health and welfare benefits, and group benefits.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The CEBS is best suited for mid- to senior-level HR professionals with a focus on employee benefits.

Time required to achieve certification:  The CEBS program is designed so that you can complete the CEBS/GBA/RPA designations within a three-year time frame. Depending on personal/professional demands, you can determine how many courses you take each year and how long it will take you to finish the program. CEBS examinations are administered year-round through computer-based testing.


7 Human Capital Strategist (HCS): Offered by the Human Capital Institute (HCI)

Offered by the Human Capital Institute (HCI), this certification is designed for HR professionals who are focused on strategic workforce planning and talent management. It covers topics such as workforce analytics, talent development, and leadership development.

Most valuable training and certification offered by the Human Capital Institute (HCI) is the Human Capital Strategist (HCS) certification. This certification is designed for HR professionals who want to develop a strategic mindset and gain the skills and knowledge necessary to align their organization’s human capital with business objectives.

Stage of HR career that will benefit the most: The HCS certification is best suited for mid to senior-level HR professionals who have a strategic focus and are looking to advance their careers. It is also ideal for HR professionals who work in talent management, organizational development, or HR business partner programs.

Time required to achieve certification: The HCS certification program consists of four courses, each lasting approximately four weeks, for a total of 16 weeks of training. The courses are conducted online, with live instruction and interactive learning activities. Upon completion of the courses, participants must pass an exam to earn the HCS certification. The program can be completed in approximately four to six months, depending on the participant’s pace of learning.

AI Adventures

Just like human partners… Be careful choosing which AI to work with!

From the Information Age to the Knowledge Age

Don’t get me wrong! I am totally excited about the destiny of mankind with AI as its new co-pilot and partner in knowledge. I’m all in!

Fun Fact: When Gutenberg’s printing press (started being widely used) it impacted the job of the monks and scribes who had previously published books by handwriting! These were the original copywriters! At the time, the printing press was firmly opposed!

ChatGPT-3 has certainly earned its place in history but we are moving at warp speed beyond its original capabilities into something much, much more. For example, ChatGPT-3 rather than saying “subject not found” or “I have no knowledge of this” has a nasty little habit of making up answers to questions in a most convincing style, although they are dead wrong!

A Test Between ChatGPT and WriteSonic

Here’s an example: I started a business writing executive and technical resumes scientifically designed to resonate with human recruiters while scoring at the top of the ATS curve. I’ve decided to expand the business into executive and tech recruiting. I selected two candidates, ChatGPT and WriteSonic as potential partners in market development.

The Checklist

Using plain English, I gave each AI a simple but important task: “Prepare a detailed checklist of actions for insertion in the business plan.” This checklist will eventually become part of the Table of Contents. ” Both AI’s produced excellent material.

Business Plan – Easy-to-read Introduction for Each Step

Again, using plain English, I asked each AI to convert their checklist to an easy-to-read introduction for each checkpoint for use in the business plan. They both wrote great introductions and began expanding my checklist items into a detailed plan.

How Specifically Can You Help Me?

My final question was: “How can you as an AI help me to execute this plan?” Again, both produced excellent ideas for using their expertise, except ChatGPT-3 created this:

ChatGPT-3 Tells More than a Little Fib!

I can help you by reviewing job postings and resumes: “Simply ask ChatGPT to help you find job postings that match your client’s needs or to help you identify resumes that meet the qualifications for the job you’re trying to fill.


This is impossible because ChatGPT-3 is a closed database that covers only stored data points before 2021, and ChatGPT-3 has no net access. Ergo, a serious misrepresentation. My understanding is this problem might go away when ChatGPT-4 is released, but meanwhile, this creates serious limitations for current subjects, for example, sports betting, horse racing, news analysis, events, and much more.

WriteSonic had similar promises but is also capable of delivering on them!

It is worth noting that WriteSonic thru its new ChatSonic product does not rely on a massive compiled database. In fact, it doesn’t even have a database and is designed much differently. Its coding allows it to travel into libraries throughout the world via the net and to search news and publications in real-time in order to reply to human language queries. Its also a whiz-bang at writing computer code in many different languages. I am using WriteSonic to write code for games and other applications with impressive results. The key here is good prompt engineering.

If you enjoyed this article and would like free access to WriteSonic you can use the link below. I would suggest you go straight away to using their new ChatSonic product as its in a league of its own! Here’s the link: WriteSonic

Tips for a Disruptive Cover Letter

A clever and powerful strategy for writing a cover letter that will get you interviewed!

I decided to share this video because JT is a thought leader in career counseling and her comments and ideas are spot on. I agree completely with her thought process in this excellent presentation on cover letters, with only two exceptions.

JT believes that the cover letter is more important than the resume… my exception is that unless it’s a referral, chances are slim that you will even talk to a recruiter unless your resume has passed scrutiny from both ATS and the recruiter. It is at this control point, when you have hit the radar, that the cover letter takes the leading role. My other exception is to point out that the clever and powerful strategy JT proposes, only works for a specific application, and again, you will need your resume for your ticket to ride. (interview) 🙂

Get it Right!

Your Resume: What to Include, What to Leave Out!

[email protected]

Download text version of this article

A Note About the Video: It was created for free by Artificial Intelligence! I originally created this content as a written article for social media distribution. AI read the article and produced the video, including the audio, with just a couple of clicks in a few minutes!

Recently I have developed a keen interest in many different forms of AI, and now, I am completely hooked! For example, I uploaded my article (there is a link above to the text version) and the AI, in this case, Pictory AI, did virtually everything on its own.

I had a choice of male/female voices with a wide range of accents and a music library of tens of thousands of songs. The entire process was fun, rapid, and free! I would encourage anyone to learn about this amazing, easy to use, technology. To learn more, you can sign up for a free account, the exact same setup I used for the video you just watched. In fact, after I made the video, I signed up for an affiliate agreement

I would encourage you to try out the free account, and if you decide to upgrade to a paid account I will receive some credit, so it’s a win/win! Here’s the link:

Pictory AI – Video Marketing made easy!

Interested in LiDAR?

Consider career opportunities within the red-hot Pittsburgh Tech environment.

Western Pennsylvania is on the move and emerging as a tech powerhouse! 

Pittsburgh is now ranked #13, up from #23, in the world’s top 100 emerging ecosystems via tech startups. This jump in 2022 ratings is primarily the result of big exits (move from private to public) by local companies such as Duolingo, Aurora, Stronghold Digital Mining, and Cognition Therapeutics.  

Pittsburgh is 2nd only to Detroit in terms of leading the autonomous driving industry. This breakout position was achieved in part because of area-leading universities such as Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh who participate strategically and collaboratively within a coordinated regional plan shepherded by the Regional Industrial Development Corporation. (RIDC)

“We’re the number three center in the country in terms of jobs, and we’re number one in technology. We have 6300 jobs in the autonomous vehicle sector and an additional 8.604 in indirect tech.”  – Donald F Smith Jr., Pres. RIDC. Sep 2021 

Note: In the 4th quarter of 2022 Pittsburgh-based ARGO which was backed by Ford and Volkswagen to the tune of $1 billion was notified operations would be closed and absorbed by Ford. Reportedly, a portion of the footprint will remain in Pittsburgh along with about 650 jobs, although this could be subject to change. 

Developments in complex robotics and autonomous driving bring us to the subject of career opportunities connected to LiDAR. 

Lidar is commonly used to make high-resolution maps, with applications in surveying, geodesy, geomatics, archaeology, geography, geology, geomorphology, seismology, forestry, atmospheric physics, laser guidance, airborne laser swath mapping (ALSM), and laser altimetry. Some of the evolving uses and applications of LiDAR include:


The use cases for LiDAR drones in inspection and other infrastructure fields are obvious. From military applications such as target identification to surveying a construction site, and from measuring the amount of vegetation growing around a power line, drones with a LiDAR payload can greatly reduce both the time and cost of a manual survey or inspection. 

By deploying a drone equipped with a LiDAR sensor, companies can take more accurate aerial readings — creating 3D models with centimeter-level accuracy and detecting features that would be invisible to less sophisticated methods. 

Self-driving cars

Fully autonomous cars are edging closer to reality, driven by advanced sensors that can avoid a crash before it happens. Leading the charge in this area is LIDAR, a light-sensing technology that creates a 3-D map of a car’s surroundings using a laser and receiver. 

Note: It is clear that redundancies in a sensor network are necessary to ensure the safety of vehicles with automated driving functions. None of the available sensor technologies including LiDAR and special cameras will enable autonomous driving on their own.


Mine sweeping, the process of clearing mines from harbors and the open ocean is extremely dangerous. The US Navy’s development of robots directed by LiDAR is just one of many military applications that have created engineering and software development opportunities with scores of military contractors. Similar projects are underway for ground force clearing applications.


Autonomous Machinery
Scanning buildings for quality control, 
Farming with precision agriculture, 
Industrial inspection,
Monitoring construction projects, 
Exploring underwater bathymetry, 
Uncovering lost cities, 
Predicting flooding before it happens, 
Remote project inspection,
Space and planetary exploration.

Popular software skillsets for a career in LiDAR. 

Based on a review of the skill requirements listed by 50 Pittsburgh based companies currently hiring, C++ and Python appeared most frequently.

Popular LiDAR Job Titles 

These are recent job opportunities in the Pittsburgh/Western PA Region:

Perception Software Engineer (Aerospace)
Robotics Software Engineer
Robotics Engineer (Perception)
Electrical Engineer (Robotics)
Embedded Systems Engineer
Software Engineer (Algorithms)
Software Engineer (Machine Learning)
System Software Engineer
Software Engineer (Computer Vision)
Firmware Engineer
Simulation Engineer
Modeling and Simulation Engineer (Autonomous Vehicle)
Electronics Engineer (Autonomous Heavy Machinery) 

LiDAR Technician
Project Support Technician
Systems and Test Technician
Reality Capture LiDAR Technician
3D Capture Technician and Modler
Geospatial Technician – Topographic/Bathymetric LiDAR
Indoor Survey Technician LiDAR
UAV Land Development Survey Manager

A Special Offer from the Author

Would you like to know how competitive you are for one of the above opportunities? If you have experience in any of the above areas and are interested in a new career opportunity, I am currently offering to run an ATS scan against your resume for your area of interest, and provide you with your ATS score as well as my personal review and analysis of your resume, at no cost, ie free! 

This free offer is only good until such time my workflow overwhelms my ability to keep up!

Just send your resume and mention one of the above job titles to my personal email: [email protected]

My review/analysis is written personally by myself and on average runs about 10 pages. There is enough valuable information to serve as a blueprint for your next resume.  If you decide you would like for me to draft a new resume for you, my pricing for a complete package including your Linkedin profile can be found here:  

Prepare to be surprised!