My Terrifying Theory About the New UFO Sightings
First, the bottom line:
These UFO’s could be AI controlled craft, patiently waiting on Earth since about 1950. They don’t care about our nukes or trying to protect us from ourselves. They are not here to instruct us. Nothing will emerge from these craft because they are a compact solid integration of technology driven by Artificial Intelligence, and as such have no separate onboard, independent physical form.
What they do have, is a 100 million year head-start on technology, meaning that once our AI becomes more fully developed, they can inject into it, take it over, and mankind along with it. Taking over our AI is their primary goal and they will get mankind as a bonus.
Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have often said that Artificial Intelligence is an existential threat to our existence. This article postulates that theory in a new way.
Flying Saucers No Longer Punch Line to Bad Jokes...
Unless you have been living in a total news blackout you’ve probably noticed the enormous increase in discussions of UFO’s and possible contact by extraterrestrials. Every major network has started allocating coverage to these discussions which are related in part, to the Pentagon’s confirmation earlier this year that the leaked Navy fighter-pilot videos of UFO encounters are genuine.
Congress has requested a full briefing, now scheduled for some time in June. It remains to be seen if this long awaited information will truly be declassified to the public.