How Artificial Intelligence will Create more Jobs in the Future – Who Loses, Who Wins!

I could have titled this article, “The Benefits of Knowing Python” since Python has become the leading AI language of choice. Instead, I tried something else: After reading about Elon Musk and the Microsoft open AI partnership, I decided since I wanted an update on jobs in AI, I would let AI write this article! I signed up for an AI service that is plugged into GPT3, provided a couple of lines of instruction, and let it rip! Below, read the result. 

*Note: The AI tactfully avoided pointing out it’s going to replace a lot of blog writers as well! 

According to the latest surveys conducted by researchers, almost 65% of America’s businesses are planning to implement AI in their organizations within the next five years. Without a doubt, implementing AI can lead to the elimination of a lot of human jobs. In fact, in areas such as medical diagnosis, speech translation, and accounting, AI has outperformed humans in every way imaginable. In the next 20 years, it’s estimated that about 7 million jobs will be displaced by AI. However, it will also lead to the generation of 7.2 million new jobs, which is a net gain of 200,000 jobs. * PwC Auditing and Accounting Firm

11 reasons why AI will create more jobs than it takes

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Resume SEO for Oil and Gas Employment Opportunities

Here are links to employment opportunities offered by 18 major oil and gas employer’s corporate websites. These employers use ATS systems which no doubt interface with LinkedIn. When you look at the jobs available, make sure that your resume and your LinkedIn information contains keywords and statements congruent with the job being applied for. Know who the top management is, identify key employees who may be in your LinkedIn Groups and be familiar with the Mission Statement of any potential employer.

Be sure to check out my article on Resume SEO for ideas, strategies and best practices. and, you might want to bookmark this page of links!

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