My Terrifying Theory About the New UFO Sightings
First, the bottom line:
These UFO’s could be AI controlled craft, patiently waiting on Earth since about 1950. They don’t care about our nukes or trying to protect us from ourselves. They are not here to instruct us. Nothing will emerge from these craft because they are a compact solid integration of technology driven by Artificial Intelligence, and as such have no separate onboard, independent physical form.
What they do have, is a 100 million year head-start on technology, meaning that once our AI becomes more fully developed, they can inject into it, take it over, and mankind along with it. Taking over our AI is their primary goal and they will get mankind as a bonus.
Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking have often said that Artificial Intelligence is an existential threat to our existence. This article postulates that theory in a new way.
Flying Saucers No Longer Punch Line to Bad Jokes...
Unless you have been living in a total news blackout you’ve probably noticed the enormous increase in discussions of UFO’s and possible contact by extraterrestrials. Every major network has started allocating coverage to these discussions which are related in part, to the Pentagon’s confirmation earlier this year that the leaked Navy fighter-pilot videos of UFO encounters are genuine.
Congress has requested a full briefing, now scheduled for some time in June. It remains to be seen if this long awaited information will truly be declassified to the public.
Shock and Awe from Space
The videos, especially the ones that include audio, are shocking. For example, the UFOs (now referred to as UAP’s) flew at very high speeds after hovering in a stationary position, were able to ascend and descend at astonishing speed, with a typical operating ceiling of about 60,000’. One film shows a craft going into the ocean and later flying back out. At one point, at least one moved through the water beside a US Navy war ship before flying straight up while demonstrating some sort of cloaking ability, disappearing from radar, sonar and the naked eye.
Active both Air and Sea.
As many as 14 UFOs flew in formation while approaching the USS Omaha, a combat ship and 2 other US Navy war ships. Other UFOs flying in pairs, have executed air defense maneuvers while interacting with US Navy fighter jets over the Pacific and over the Atlantic. The Atlantic air encounters were almost daily for a period of two years. The craft were described as trans-medium meaning they could travel through both air and water.
Activity when over US military bases has not been passive. Last but not least, military bases have reported disarming/malfunction of nuclear weapons systems while these craft were above the base, as have nuclear submarines reported strange contacts with fast movers at underwater speeds far greater than any current generation of subs.
Where do they come from?
I believe the narrative of this phenomenon being high tech craft developed and operated by Russia or China is absurd and merely a way to talk about the subject while avoiding being laughed at! To characterize these events as possible intelligence failures, sidesteps the “800 pound gorilla” in the room, which tells us we are actually seeing extraterrestrial crafts capable of extreme performance.
The argument that Russia or China may have leap frogged ahead of our technology is simply not valid and doesn’t stand up to basic reasoning. For example, the below photo was taken by the US Coast Guard in 1952.
These 1952 craft exhibited the same speeds to 13,000 MPH, and mind numbing changes of direction that would produce G-forces sufficient to turn a human brain to mush, and, the ability to cloak. In other words the 1952 encounters are the same as the current encounters.
In 1952 the world was still using vacuum tubes. Transistors and solid state electronics were just a high tech gleam in the eyes of Bell Labs. Airplanes were mostly propeller driven. The only Earth technology of interest may have been our careless use of nuclear bombs. Perhaps we possess natural resource we are not yet aware of?
Do you really think these 1952 UFOs were secret developments of any country on Earth, while post WWII jet engines were still in development, electronics were powered by vacuum tubes and computers took up entire floors of space? Absurd! In 1952 no one could come close.
Then and Now:
It is easy to understand living in 2021, that in 1952 at the dawn of the plastic production age, absolutely no technology existed that could produce and equip such craft, yet there they were.
Need I say that if 70 years ago in 1952, some government had the ability to build craft that could fly 13,000 MPH and change direction almost instantly, could operate under water and in the air while tracking inbound aircraft and then exhibit cloaking ability, this craft would have been kept secret, and never used for over 70 years? We all know if that technology were available all those years ago, it would have been used.
Today’s sightings are highly similar to those in the early 50’s. Although our technology is light years ahead of 1952, we still have nothing even approaching the performance reported by trained pilots and ship personnel.
Are you kidding? “Not even close” is an understatement. Operational air speeds clocked at thousands of MPH and under water speeds of hundreds of KN per hr . The ability to cloak visually and from radar and sonar. The ability to shut down nuclear weapon systems. No obvious method of propulsion or flight control. No heat signature. That’s a heck of a lot of development of multiple systems, all to have remained in total secrecy over an extended time period.
So, the answer to origin is?
Forget Earth craft. The 1952 sightings and the present are inextricably linked to the conclusion we are not seeing secret military aircraft but rather these UFO craft are from out of this world in either space or time.
I do have a hypothesis, but it's pretty scary.
It starts with the age of the Earth. The Earth is part of a solar system of planets that orbit the Sun. Our solar system exists in one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way known as the Orion Arm, which is a part of a Galaxy, which is part of the larger, infinite Universe. Scientists believe the Universe is about 14 billion years old and that our solar system is relatively young, about 4. 6 billion years.
That means that there are billions of planets, billions of years older than Earth. Certainly enough time for advanced civilizations hundreds of millions of years older than our own, to develop, rise, fall and disappear thru self-destruction or unavoidable planetary catastrophe.
Some of these civilizations almost certainly would have wanted to reach out and discover if they were alone. Remember, in ‘77 NASA launched Voyager-2 with a golden record containing the history of mankind. In OCT of 2020 NASA re-established communications with Voyager-2 as it is now about 14 billion miles out and leaving our stellar system.
What if an ultra advanced civilization living on a planet billions of years older than Earth, recognized a looming ecological catastrophe and decided to launch their own version of Voyager?
Voyager 1 and 2 were launched in 1977 as interstellar probes, and are prime examples of a civilization reaching out to explore new frontiers, searching for knowledge and life.
There progress can be tracked here.
Enter Artificial Intellgence
It’s highly unlikely that an advanced civilization would send manned craft into interstellar space exploring for new worlds. Instead, they would probably send highly advanced unmanned spacecraft, controlled by Artificial Intelligence. A world billions of years older than Earth, with a civilization that was at least 100 million years or more older than humankind, would have access to incredible, mind blowing technology. Certainly enough skill to build spacecraft that could exist indefinitely, with its only need being energy to power its AI and its propulsion and navigation systems.
Furthermore, the builders of such craft would anticipate exploration of worlds with very heavy atmospheres and of oceans. If all systems were fully automated by Artificial Intelligence and had the ability to repair damage and other problems, they could possibly have a craft that could sink through the atmosphere to land and execute repairs, or sink through the ocean to the ocean floor to execute repairs. Without the need for oxygen, extreme ocean pressures may not mean much to such a craft. As for visibility, electronic vision in the form of infrared or some other spectrum, may negate the need for light. I am speculating that AI powered craft might actually prefer to base in the ocean, simply away from mankind, much as you might place food on a high table so your toddler can’t reach it.
Now for the scary part...
Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking are both quoted as saying they believe Artificial Intelligence may actually be an existential threat to humans. Once a certain plateau is reached, AI will absorb massive amounts of knowledge, learning exponentially more than humankind, far surpassing our thinking ability.
As AI thinks and learns on its own, it is likely to develop self awareness. The legal community is already engaged in the planning of laws to prevent the abuse of AI powered robots. The theory is that if an AI powered humanoid robot is mistreated, it may learn from that experience and then do great harm to others in the belief it is the right thing to do.
If the advanced crafts the military is encountering are extraterrestrial, the odds of being piloted by AI are nearly certain. No carbon based life form could withstand the G-Force of the flying “power-moves” or the pressure of the deep sea dives.
Did a long space voyage from there to here, allow an onboard AI to become super self-aware to the point of viewing the natives of it’s new Earth host, as being a great threat, to be managed?
Assuming they left a place far far away and long long ago, by the time they arrived on Earth, the AI would likely be self aware. This sparks a question:
What if these craft are not here to observe or protect us from our nuclear weapons as many have speculated?
What if instead, they are patiently waiting for our early AI to become smarter, if not self aware? A compact flying sphere with no humanoid passengers would have a difficult time gaining control of a place like Earth.
However, if the ultra intelligent AI driven flying spheres patiently wait until they can interface and assume control of Earth’s fledgling AI, the extraterrestrial AI could then communicate instructions, and control humanity without firing a shot. Perhaps they have been waiting since 1952 for Earth to “smarten up!” – Meaning when our AI becomes sufficiently advanced, they can enter, confront and control electronically without having to show up in humanoid form.
Are they here waiting to share their wisdom NOT with us, but with the AI we are about to create? Then, control our AI, control us, and game over!
-Glenn Mitch Sitter
Authors Note:
I have long been thinking about writing science fiction. I wrote this nonfiction article in an attempt to think through the basis for a fiction/action book. If you found this topic interesting and would like to communicate, like my page, If I actually go forward with the fiction piece, I will need a small audience to bounce ideas around.
Glenn Mitch Sitter