Bridging the time gap between Alien intelligence and Earth

A discussion of the space-time continuum and the possibility of military UFO confrontations being driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence) of alien origin.

Mike Gaffey, distinguished professor of Space Studies at the University of North Dakota was recently quoted as saying the possibility of UAPs being alien in origin is “not zero” but so unlikely it may as well be.

I believe this fails to take into consideration the potential forĀ robotic spacecraft driven by AI (Artificial Intelligence) and fully capable of self-maintenance.

When the subject of “space-time continuum” gets rolled out, at some point the argument as to why we haven’t made contact with alien intelligence is debated and usually goes something like this:

Earth is in the younger spectrum of the galaxy and as we look further out, there are planets millions if not billions of years older. Modern humans have been around only about 200,000 years. There are statistically numerous alien civilizations who have already existed millions of years longer than humans and who have developed extremely high levels of technology, and then have had sufficient time to either self-destruct through war, either global or interplanetary, or have had their planet destroyed by a random meteor. So the short answer is we are late to the party and everyone we could have known is dead.

Now let’s consider Elon Musk and Tesla. After only a few short years we are on the verge of fully autonomous self-driven vehicles which will make today’s mode of transportation obsolete. Imagine the state of this form of transportation in 100 years! If mankind survives, what would the technology be capable of in 1000 years? No thinking person would argue that AI (Artificial Intelligence) will not play a huge role. Now, back to the future! How about one of those planets, at least ten million years further along than Earth? Is it not conceivable that some civilization reached out (as we have with Voyager) and launched an ultra-sophisticated AI-driven spacecraft, capable of self-repair (and replication) to travel the Universe?

Perhaps the civilization that launched such spacecraft no longer even exists. However, it is interesting to speculate how the AI on such a spacecraft may have evolved on its long, long mission. Could such a craft have contained AI that over time became fully self-aware, and given its self-repair and replication capabilities, now exist on numerous planets including Earth, as intelligence without organic form? Could its initial mission of learning and introducing Earth and others like Earth to another world, have somehow changed?

Last thoughts: If it exists, this AI is likely an “integrated system comprised of the entire spacecraft” and does not contain a humanoid-style robot. Could it be possible this Alien AI is waiting for Earth AI to “catch up” to become “more like it” thus facilitating an interface with our AI and not directly with us? Would that mean when Earth AI is capable of maintaining a Skynet-style super-intelligence, the Alien AI would step in, perhaps takeover?Ā  Sleep well!Ā