CoverLetterPro 360 Special Offer

Transform Your Job Search with CoverLetterPro 360

No more struggle! AI Writes multiple, highly personalized, SEO optimized cover letters, in seconds!

Limited Time Special Offer 
includes 3 Powerful Interview Tools!

Powered by AI, our strategy uses your resume and the target employer’s job description  to write unlimited,  personalized, and highly effective cover letters in minutes!

Our goal is simple: Streamline your job search and ensure your resume gets noticed!

Your letters generate in multiple styles.

Get the Perfect Cover Letter
Tailored to Every Job in seconds!
A Huge Time Saver!

Snap Video Explainer – Tools Included in Offer

CoverLetterPro 360 Video Explainer

Revolutionary Cover Letter Tool

  • Engineered Prompts: Our innovative tools utilize AI to analyze job descriptions and your resume, crafting personalized cover letters that stand out.
  • Creates Multiple Versions: Choose from three optimized cover letter versions, ensuring flexibility and precision in your job applications.
  • User-Friendly: No tech expertise required. Simply input your resume and the employer’s job information, and our AI takes care of the rest. Enjoy unlimited creativity and endless personalized Cover Letters tailored to each job application.
  • Compatible works seamlessly with popular AI platforms like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini.

    BONUS TOOLS INCLUDED: 3 Powerful tools that analyze your resume and the job requirements, and then supercharge your interview skills –

    Gap Analysis:  Identify and bridge the gap between your current skills and your target job requirements.
    Actionable Interview Advice:  Includes customized responses to potential questions that may delve into gaps in your skills or qualifications, and offers suggested answers to help you overcome any perceived shortcomings.

    Skills Analysis:  Custom advice for developing the best interview talking points to emphasize your alignment with what the employer values most – based on your resume and the specific job requirements.

How you Benefit!

Your Path to a Game-Changing Career Upgrade

The real purpose of your cover letter is to make the reader want to read your resume!
It’s well established that recruiters only spend a few seconds during the initial elimination scan of your resume, even less with your cover letter.  Cover letters (usually required) establish that you are not mass mailing applications and are a genuine applicant.

You can most definitely mess this up!  For example, if your cover letter is a “mini resume” the reader may discard without ever reading your actual resume. Keys are finding a hook that showcases you have the right personality and quickly establishing you have the exact qualifications the employer is searching for. 

To the Rescue! Easy! In Minutes – Generate multiple styles of personalized, SEO optimized, ready to print cover letters, for EACH employer’s application! No more spending a half hour or an hour agonizing to get each letter right. Our engineered prompts work with the AI of your choice! 

CoverLetterPro 360 is an advanced engineered prompting tool compatible with top AI platforms like ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. This Special Offer includes 3 custom tools to upgrade your interview performance!

Level the Playing Field! No more agonizing over creating what to write and how to use key words. Simply use our prompt with the AI of your choice, add in your resume and a copy of the employer’s required job qualifications and in a few seconds you will have multiple personalized letters, each in a different style, all covering exactly the right things!

Just choose the one you like best and print! Done! A huge time saver, expertly written in seconds, using your resume and the employer you are targeting!

In his best selling book, “$100 Million Offers” Alex Hormozi advises “Make your offer so good people will feel stupid if they don’t take it.” We are not affiliated with Alex, but we do think he has some of the best advice out there, so we decided to follow his advice! Here’s the offer: 

Get 3 Additional Game Changing Tools Free!

Closing the Gap

GAP Analysis: Identify and bridge the gap between your current skills and your target job requirements. Our GAP Analysis tool recognizes required qualifications for the job you are applying for and  prints a table that identifies any missing skills or other qualifications that may be problematic.

Actionable Interview Advice

Actionable Interview Advice: Provides a printed summary of strategic recommendations to boost your interview performance. Includes customized responses to potential questions that may delve into gaps in your skills or qualifications, and offers suggested answers to help you overcome any perceived shortcomings.

Skills Analysis

Skills Analysis:  Our tool analyzes the employer’s job description and requirements, identifying the key traits they are seeking. It then selects the strongest qualities from your resume that closely match these critical traits, helping you to develop the best interview talking points to emphasize your alignment with what the employer values most.

Act Now – Limited Time  Offer!

CoverLetterPro 360 is part of a high end suite of Career Advancement tools currently in BETA testing. 

For a limited time you can have CoverLetterPro 360,

the Skills analysis, GAP analyis and Interview tools,

for only $45!

Value Proposition.
Did you know? Professional writers charge $25 to $50 per page for custom cover letters. With CoverLetterPro 360, you can create unlimited, custom AI-driven cover letters  for just one-time payment of $45!  * After this Limited Time Special Offer, this product will roll to market at $99. 

Early Mover Discount! Those who take advantage of this CoverLetterPro 360 offer will comprise our preferred customer base and will also receive  Special  Discounted Pre-launch Offers from time to time as we roll out new products.

* Help us improve and share your success! Write a brief testimonial about your experience with CoverLetterPro 360. Your feedback is greatly appreciated (optional, but appreciaiated!)

About the quality of AI writing…

ChatGPT-4 outperforms human psychologists in test of social intelligence, study finds